Christmas Already


Hello everyone! So, Hallowe’en has been and gone, but in retail land it can only mean one thing.

Christmas is a comin’.

Many shops have already begun to stock Christmas items; my workplace being no exception. I had less then a day to generate some Christmas designs for some t-shirts (maybe a card or two as well), I managed to create around six designs; the penguin snowflake above being a boss favourite.

I don’t know about you guys but when I was younger I am sure Christmas came at snail pace, especially on Christmas eve, where even after watching a bunch of films and Christmas specials it only came to 8pm. Now it seems to hurtle towards you 100 miles per hr, whether you like it or not. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s one of the best holidays in the year, always will be, but working in ‘fashion retail’ last year during the festive period, you definitely see the darker side to it all. At least 5 people will hand in their notice either before or after peak retail season, the ones after tend to leave with a haunted look in their eyes, mumbling repeatedly about not being able to do refunds on Boxing day and sorry for the inconvience…

Anyway, let me know what you guys think as always, and hope to see you again soon! Here are some of my other designs, the reindeer couple.


4 thoughts on “Christmas Already

  1. THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    I love it.

    I hope you have a beautiful day. ❀

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